Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Anvil strategy

[Ddm] Stuxnet posts a strategy from that is effective for Tier 3 troops. I used a similar strategy and still do with the addition of t4. However, as your power level goes up as a result of t4 research it is more likely you will be rallied if attacked at all. So it's a great strategy to use at lower power levels when you can seriously shock folks. Enjoy!

Russo "Being the Anvil" Strategy


  1. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Anvil strategy":

    This was a great post. I check out the link and I'm not sure what this comment means:


    The Embassy:

    Having a max embassy means you can hold 1 million reinforcements. This is where the large accounts in your alliance will start to absolutely love you.

    They fill your embassy and get free kills every time you are hit. Your tier 3 and hospitals protect their their 4 troops and they can be off hunting on their own – they don’t need to stick around. Just don’t let yourself get rallied to big and lose all their troops…


    Does this mean that if you have reinforcements and you are attacked, other people that are reinforcing will be protected from being killed? Will they be placed in my hospital, will they go to their own hospital or will they die?

    ~ Sappho Queen

  2. They will not be placed in your hospital. My understanding is all the t3 would likely die or be hospitalized before one of T4 reinforcement troops would be killed.
